Newer DLL for WeatherLink software to generate 'wxnow.txt' file?
Mark Conner
2014-06-18 02:06:43 UTC
I have a Davis VantagePro2 weather station and the WeatherLink software. I
would like to have WeatherLink generate a wxnow.txt file for use by my APRS
program. There is a WeatherLink add-on at
http://www.bpsmicro.com/Files/WXNOW_Generator.htm that I tried, but it has
a bug in the sea-level pressure calculations that causes about a 3 millibar
error. While it works, it has not been updated since 2006.

Is there another WeatherLink add-on DLL that generates wxnow.txt files?
I've considered replacing WeatherLink itself with something better, but I
don't want to deal with that at the moment.

73 de Mark N9XTN
