Low Alt aircraft path
Randy Allen
2014-07-16 21:57:47 UTC
I have a ham friend with a MT-AIO that he wants to use in his airplane.
He states he usually operates at 1-2,000 Ft AGL. We have discussed
the issues that have come up with high altitude balloons. He
understands to NOT have WIDE1-1 in the path for this application.

His research is pointing him to WIDE2-1. Given the number of Digi's in
the area, I wonder how no path would work.

One of his concerns is that some of the small airports he uses away from
home are in areas without Digi coverage at ground level and thinks that
no path would not allow him to get a packet out when landed and parked.

I have suggested programming each configuration available to him with a
WIDE2-1 and no path.

Comments, suggestions?

Thanks in advance

Randy Allen, KAØAZS

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Christopher Snell
2014-07-16 22:20:55 UTC
I can't speak for the MT-AIO but I know that the Argent Data trackers have
profiles that can be used to change path settings based on altitude,
position, etc.:


Post by Randy Allen
I have a ham friend with a MT-AIO that he wants to use in his airplane.
He states he usually operates at 1-2,000 Ft AGL. We have discussed the
issues that have come up with high altitude balloons. He understands to
NOT have WIDE1-1 in the path for this application.
His research is pointing him to WIDE2-1. Given the number of Digi's in
the area, I wonder how no path would work.
One of his concerns is that some of the small airports he uses away from
home are in areas without Digi coverage at ground level and thinks that no
path would not allow him to get a packet out when landed and parked.
I have suggested programming each configuration available to him with a
WIDE2-1 and no path.
Comments, suggestions?
Thanks in advance
Randy Allen, KAØAZS
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aprssig mailing list
Cap Pennell
2014-07-16 22:43:36 UTC
I know it is “APRS blasphemy” to suggest this, but we have found that for airplane travelers in California, a digipath of only WIDE1-1 at a conservative timed interval (like once every 2 minutes) does the trick best, around airports and at altitude.

73, Cap KE6AFE

From: aprssig-bounces-***@public.gmane.org [mailto:aprssig-bounces-***@public.gmane.org] On Behalf Of Christopher Snell
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2014 3:21 PM
To: TAPR APRS Mailing List
Subject: Re: [aprssig] Low Alt aircraft path

I can't speak for the MT-AIO but I know that the Argent Data trackers have profiles that can be used to change path settings based on altitude, position, etc.:




On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 2:57 PM, Randy Allen <ka0azs-***@public.gmane.org <mailto:ka0azs-***@public.gmane.org> > wrote:

I have a ham friend with a MT-AIO that he wants to use in his airplane. He states he usually operates at 1-2,000 Ft AGL. We have discussed the issues that have come up with high altitude balloons. He understands to NOT have WIDE1-1 in the path for this application.

His research is pointing him to WIDE2-1. Given the number of Digi's in the area, I wonder how no path would work.

One of his concerns is that some of the small airports he uses away from home are in areas without Digi coverage at ground level and thinks that no path would not allow him to get a packet out when landed and parked.

I have suggested programming each configuration available to him with a WIDE2-1 and no path.

Comments, suggestions?

Thanks in advance

Randy Allen, KAØAZS

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Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr)
2014-07-17 01:11:55 UTC
Post by Randy Allen
One of his concerns is that some of the small airports he uses away
from home are in areas without Digi coverage at ground level and
thinks that no path would not allow him to get a packet out when
landed and parked.
If there's no digi coverage at ground level, the path you specify won't
matter. Paths aren't going to create digipeaters out of thin air. They
just request that certain types of digipeaters repeat the packet.

Personally, I suspect that even at 50 to 100 feet above ground, you
probably have better coverage than the local WIDE1 digipeaters. And
it's probably not necessary to know exactly were the airplane is parked,
especially in smaller airports!

Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - Author of APRSISCE for Windows Mobile and Win32
Randy Allen
2014-07-17 02:28:45 UTC
After I sent that I realized I stated it badly. Without a path, the
concern is that it would not be picked up by any local fill-in digis and
out to a digipeater. And it's not where on the airfield he's parked but
having which airfield he's at he want to get out.

Trying to ensure adequate coverage without QRMing the system

Post by Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr)
Post by Randy Allen
One of his concerns is that some of the small airports he uses away
from home are in areas without Digi coverage at ground level and
thinks that no path would not allow him to get a packet out when
landed and parked.
If there's no digi coverage at ground level, the path you specify won't
matter. Paths aren't going to create digipeaters out of thin air. They
just request that certain types of digipeaters repeat the packet.
Personally, I suspect that even at 50 to 100 feet above ground, you
probably have better coverage than the local WIDE1 digipeaters. And
it's probably not necessary to know exactly were the airplane is parked,
especially in smaller airports!
Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - Author of APRSISCE for Windows Mobile and Win32
aprssig mailing list
Randy Allen, KAØAZS

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Steve Noskowicz
2014-07-17 01:17:50 UTC
I;m confused.  Isn't "WIDE2-1" the path?
73, Steve, K9DCI 

From: Randy Allen <ka0azs-***@public.gmane.org>
To: TAPR APRS Mailing List <aprssig-***@public.gmane.org>
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2014 4:57 PM
Subject: [aprssig] Low Alt aircraft path

I have a ham friend with a MT-AIO that he wants to use in his airplane.
  He states he usually operates at 1-2,000 Ft AGL.  We have discussed
the issues that have come up with high altitude balloons.  He
understands to NOT have WIDE1-1 in the path for this application.

His research is pointing him to WIDE2-1.  Given the number of Digi's in
the area, I wonder how no path would work.

One of his concerns is that some of the small airports he uses away from
home are in areas without Digi coverage at ground level and thinks that
no path would not allow him to get a packet out when landed and parked.

I have suggested programming each configuration available to him with a
WIDE2-1 and no path.

Comments, suggestions?

Thanks in advance

Randy Allen, KAØAZS

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Randy Allen
2014-07-17 02:30:57 UTC
It's _A_ path, but we're looking at what the optimal path would be for
good coverage at low altitude without QRMing the system at cruise.

Maybe I'm being too concerned, but I would not want his call up for
discussion in the spirit of some the balloon launches we've seen,
especially since he's asking me for advice!


I;m confused. Isn't "WIDE2-1" the path?
73, Steve, K9DCI
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Robert Bruninga
2014-07-18 06:39:50 UTC
I agreee. A single WIDE2-1.

Works the same as WIDE1-1 (the actual intent) but does not key up every
WIDE1-1 station over hundreds of square miles. For example, when my
WIDE1-1 at home keys up, it wipes our TV audio for 1 second. Wife HATES

But for the rare occasional mobile that needs it, no big deal. But being
keyed up by an airplane for over an hour flying a hundreds miles away is

Post by Randy Allen
I have a ham friend with a MT-AIO that he wants to use in his airplane.
He states he usually operates at 1-2,000 Ft AGL. We have discussed the
issues that have come up with high altitude balloons. He understands to
NOT have WIDE1-1 in the path for this application.
His research is pointing him to WIDE2-1. Given the number of Digi's in
the area, I wonder how no path would work.
One of his concerns is that some of the small airports he uses away from
home are in areas without Digi coverage at ground level and thinks that no
path would not allow him to get a packet out when landed and parked.
I have suggested programming each configuration available to him with a
WIDE2-1 and no path.
Comments, suggestions?
Thanks in advance
Randy Allen, KAØAZS
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aprssig mailing list
Cap Pennell
2014-07-18 19:06:00 UTC
Our problem for airplanes with only WIDE2-1 is so many of our airports are not well covered by a full WIDEn-N/SSn-N digi, but they are well covered by a fill-in WIDE1-1 digi (which is heard by a IGate). Around California a path of just WIDE1-1 is usually enough (to reach the local area and the internet).

73, Cap KE6AFE

From: aprssig-bounces-***@public.gmane.org [mailto:aprssig-bounces-***@public.gmane.org] On Behalf Of Robert Bruninga
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2014 11:40 PM
To: TAPR APRS Mailing List
Subject: Re: [aprssig] Low Alt aircraft path

I agreee. A single WIDE2-1.

Works the same as WIDE1-1 (the actual intent) but does not key up every WIDE1-1 station over hundreds of square miles. For example, when my WIDE1-1 at home keys up, it wipes our TV audio for 1 second. Wife HATES that.

But for the rare occasional mobile that needs it, no big deal. But being keyed up by an airplane for over an hour flying a hundreds miles away is irritationg.

