Digi "Location-Based" Callsigns and Objects
David Andrzejewski
2014-07-22 18:44:53 UTC
With all this talk of using location-based callsigns on digis, I thought
I'd experiment with changing mine. However, I want to ensure that I'm
doing it right, especially with regards to IDing correctly.

I'm using aprx on a Raspberry Pi, and I beacon a few repeater objects.

If I set the source call to my callsign on those object packets, that
will "break the link" - e.g., it will be coming from "KD8TWG-1" but my
digi will be beaconing itself as something different, so nobody will
have KD8TWG-1 in their lists.

I'm thinking I could put it in the comment? The thing is, I include the
repeater's callsign in the comment, so how would I avoid confusion

Here's one of my repeaters:

object "146.94"
symbol "/r"
lat "4130.33N"
lon "08111.41W"
comment "146.940MHz T110 -060 W8DES"

My current thought is I could change the comment to:

comment "146.940MHz T110 -060 W8DES (de KD8TWG)"


- Dave/KD8TWG
Brett Friermood
2014-07-25 14:54:45 UTC
Being objects you don't have to do anything differently than you are
doing now. The originating station of course has to identify as usual,
so if you are using a tactical callsign common practice is to put your
legal callsign in the comment of the station's own beacons. As long as
one of these is sent every 10 minutes, the station is legally
identified for all packets being transmitted whether they are
digipeated positions from other stations or objects sourced from

The source callsign of an object should be the actual on-air callsign
of the originating station in most cases. In your situation why would
you feel the objects need to be sourced from your callsign while being
originated from the digipeater?

Brett KQ9N

On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 1:44 PM, David Andrzejewski
With all this talk of using location-based callsigns on digis, I thought I'd
experiment with changing mine. However, I want to ensure that I'm doing it
right, especially with regards to IDing correctly.
I'm using aprx on a Raspberry Pi, and I beacon a few repeater objects.
If I set the source call to my callsign on those object packets, that will
"break the link" - e.g., it will be coming from "KD8TWG-1" but my digi will
be beaconing itself as something different, so nobody will have KD8TWG-1 in
their lists.
I'm thinking I could put it in the comment? The thing is, I include the
repeater's callsign in the comment, so how would I avoid confusion there?
object "146.94"
symbol "/r"
lat "4130.33N"
lon "08111.41W"
comment "146.940MHz T110 -060 W8DES"
comment "146.940MHz T110 -060 W8DES (de KD8TWG)"
- Dave/KD8TWG
aprssig mailing list
David Andrzejewski
2014-07-25 16:34:49 UTC
I’m not really sure, that’s why I was asking ;)

Thanks very much for the answer!

- Dave/KD8TWG
Post by Brett Friermood
In your situation why would
you feel the objects need to be sourced from your callsign while being
originated from the digipeater?
Robert Bruninga
2014-07-25 19:58:02 UTC
THE APRS protocol reatains the callsign of the originating station for
objects. Maybe the Radio LISTS in the APRS radio do not capture it, but
the protocol says the client is supposed to.

So, no, you don't need to also put the callsign in the object names.


-----Original Message-----
From: aprssig-bounces-***@public.gmane.org [mailto:aprssig-bounces-***@public.gmane.org] On Behalf
Of Brett Friermood
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2014 10:55 AM
To: TAPR APRS Mailing List
Subject: Re: [aprssig] Digi "Location-Based" Callsigns and Objects

Being objects you don't have to do anything differently than you are doing
now. The originating station of course has to identify as usual, so if you
are using a tactical callsign common practice is to put your legal
callsign in the comment of the station's own beacons. As long as one of
these is sent every 10 minutes, the station is legally identified for all
packets being transmitted whether they are digipeated positions from other
stations or objects sourced from itself.

The source callsign of an object should be the actual on-air callsign of
the originating station in most cases. In your situation why would you
feel the objects need to be sourced from your callsign while being
originated from the digipeater?

Brett KQ9N

On Tue, Jul 22, 2014 at 1:44 PM, David Andrzejewski
Post by David Andrzejewski
With all this talk of using location-based callsigns on digis, I
thought I'd experiment with changing mine. However, I want to ensure
that I'm doing it right, especially with regards to IDing correctly.
I'm using aprx on a Raspberry Pi, and I beacon a few repeater objects.
If I set the source call to my callsign on those object packets, that
will "break the link" - e.g., it will be coming from "KD8TWG-1" but my
digi will be beaconing itself as something different, so nobody will
have KD8TWG-1 in their lists.
I'm thinking I could put it in the comment? The thing is, I include
the repeater's callsign in the comment, so how would I avoid confusion
Post by David Andrzejewski
object "146.94"
symbol "/r"
lat "4130.33N"
lon "08111.41W"
comment "146.940MHz T110 -060 W8DES"
comment "146.940MHz T110 -060 W8DES (de KD8TWG)"
- Dave/KD8TWG
aprssig mailing list